Saturday, June 1, 2013

Still Stinky

I'm hoping to do better this summer. I have lots of plans for the summer.

I have friends having babies so I'm quilting and sewing in anticipation of their arrival. This quilt is finally getting finished. I have a few more rows to trim and put together. Sister and I went on a mini road trip and I found great fabric for the border.

Betty Burger - YUM
While on our trip, we stopped in Bowling Green and had lunch at Double Dogz. I love using the UrbanSpoon app to find new places to eat or visit. This review didn't let us down.

I have been watching lots of softball. Our team made it through the state tournament and placed 2nd in the Class A division. So very proud of their hard work and sportsmanship.

I've been reading and will post my first book review later today.

Even had time to clean the porch and plant some flowers!

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