Knitting update for 2016 - 7,036 meters in 22 projects
Quilting - not one quilt quilted and this makes me sad
Sewing - unfortunately I didn't count the number of project bags I made in 2016 but I'm guessing 10+ bags and 5+ needle minders
Reading - I read 39 books, nine were repeated books
Reading stats were really low, I've already read ten books in 2017 and read two books 1/3 through before deciding I wasn't interested enough to finish them. I'm hoping I will continue on this reading kick throughout 2017 because I've really missed reading for pleasure.
I've currently have three knitting projects on the needles, two pair of socks and a set of knitted knockers (breast prosthetics for cancer patients). I have a goal of twelve pair of knockers for 2017. This summer I will be attending SSK in Nashville and I'm looking forward to meeting lots of knitters. I've been attending the Cookeville Sock Club for over a year and have really enjoyed getting to know these ladies. I hope to be able to go to a Thursday night meeting soon.
Kitties are doing well and are waiting patiently for me to get off the computer and give them some cuddles.
Pray all is well with all who read this.