Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2nd Bi-Weekly Memorization

This is my memory verse for the next two weeks. I'm putting this out here so that I will hold myself accountable.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world.

1 John 2:15-16 NIV 1984

I am only keeping up with this and my readings/bible study, I've totally dropped the ball on the photos this month.

School is fast and furious. My club is sponsoring two fundraisers and I'm the prom committee person. We started prom planning today! I also kicked of a WWII Simulation in my HS history class and because it's new I feel a little anxious. :)

Oh how I love winter, I would really love some snow!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Project 365

I stink! I totally forget to take photos!

Me today - what my life looks like! Day 2

View - he liked this view. Day 5

Still life - he was really enjoying hanging out until I took his picture. Day 6

Front door - mine still has a wreath. Day 8

In a Drawer - contents of one drawer in my little secretary. Day 9

The actual empty drawer. :)

Now I'm caught up in posting. But I've obviously missed several days. I'm not going to stress missing a few.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Project 365

I'm intrigued by the photography 365 day project. So I subscribed and you already see yesterday's photo in my last post. I'm not sure if I will post daily or do a weekly summary.

I will take photos with both my dslr and my iphone. I am looking to improve my photography skills and I'm also hoping for pure inspiration that pushes me artistically. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sentiment Time

I'm sitting in my living room, enjoying the peace of the morning. I'm trying to be a little reflective this morning and thinking about the new year.
I don't make resolutions. But I do know there a few things I want to do differently in 2013.
My church has done a church wide reading plan every year I've been a member. This year we are challenged to read through the Gospels and Revelations four times. It is a simple plan. I don't think we read more than 2 chapters a day most days it is simply a chapter.
This morning I read the first section on the lineage of Christ. Many people want to skip this and get to the "good" stuff. But I love reading about Rahab, Ruth, and Tamar. I want to carry out this plan all year.
I want 2013 to be the year I fall in love with Jesus again. I want to read His Word and fill my heart with Him. I want more focused time with Him.

So in addition to the reading, I'm starting with Beth Moore's Siesta Memorization Team - for a second time. I hope to complete the year this time. I made it to May in 2011. I'm starting with the same verses as last time because I honestly can't tell you what they were and that saddens me.
My first rememorization is Isaiah 40:8 NASB The grass withers, the flowers fade, But the word of our God stands forever. If I find these being recalled quickly, I will add new verses.

I am also jumping into a Precepts study of Matthew so that it coincides with our church study/plan. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not trying to teach it, just make this a personal study.
Sound like a lot as I read what I've typed. But it really isn't. I just want more time with Him and I know that if I do that, everything in my world will fall into place or fall apart and try to separate me from my plan. By putting this out on my blog I can have a visual public reminder of what I want and why I want it.
Praying everyone has a blessed New Year!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad