Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm very thankful for my coworkers. They make laugh, they make me cry, and they are always willing to help one another.

I'm also very thankful for my Dad. Today is the fifth anniversary of his death. I still miss him so very much! I have my love of traveling because if him. He went all over the world with work. Because of him, I traveled to Alaska this summer. He gave me a burning desire to see the area where he worked for thirteen years. I know I will return and I would love to see more of the state. It was all I thought it would be and there is much left to discover.

Dad in La Carmen Bolivia

Dad came from a big family, seven total, four brothers and three sisters. Dad was the first to pass, Aunt Edith (the oldest) has since passed away. Uncle Lonnie and Dad were really close. This is my favorite picture of them. Uncle Lonnie is the last of the siblings to live in Texas. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekend Wonders

This weekend has felt like a roller coaster. I hung on tight for the ride!

Friday was the 2nd anniversary of mom's death. It was a very emotional day. I chose to spend the evening and Saturday working with Rising Above Ministry at By the Brook. This is a retreat they hold for mother's with special needs children.

I am blessed to be friends with Jeff, Becky, and Jon Alex Davidson. They head this ministry. I have served as the media person on the worship team at all the By the Brook retreats. I started the summer mom battled cancer and I often think I was ministered to more at the retreat than the moms!  

This retreat I had the privilege of teaching a class on quick inductive Bible study. There were such sweet ladies in the class, some very new to Bible study. It was awesome of God to give me the privilege of starting them on the journey of studying His Word.

Sunday was a full morning of church, working media for three services makes for a full morning. I took the night off from The Source which is our single's ministry. I had too much laundry and other home jobs to catch up on. I'm feeling very blessed and God answered my prayers of Friday morning to please let me feel His love and arms surround me. He is so good!

This one of my all time favorite pictures of mom taken on our trip to Key West.